What's Up Wednesday: August 2020

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Goodbye, August. Hello, Fall!

Y’all. I cannot tell you how happy I am that we’re entering into the fall season. Sure, we’ll have three more months of disappointingly hot days here in Houston. Nonetheless, the countdown has begun. We have entered in to my favorite time of the year. The next four months are THE BEST!

I think we can all agree we need a little something to brighten our spirits this year. Right?


I am linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share my monthly recap of August. Honestly, I hadn’t even had time to consider writing this with everything I’ve had going on; however, I am sitting in a hotel room with the pups sleeping on the bed around me because we evacuated Houston yesterday for the impending Hurricane Laura. As of today it has shifted a bit back to the east so we won’t have as much of a hit as anticipated yesterday morning but we knew we needed to jet out fast just in case. Our babes do NOT like going potty in the rain as it is…I cannot fathom trying to get them to potty in strong winds like that. We may be relieved from the strongest parts of the storm, but our hearts and prayers are with the cities who are in the path of the storm. As of the time I’m writing this Hurricane Laura is a category 4. I pray it weakens before landfall. =(

OK, so HERE WE GO!!!


What we're eating this week:

Well, this week is a bust since we had to take a road trip to another city.

Sunday - we sauteed ground turkey and ate it with jasmine rice. The hubs prepared it and it was delicious how he seasoned it.

Monday - I made beef & bean chili

Tuesday - we ran around hectically moving patio furniture (26 chairs, 4 tables) and plants, packed up important things, and got on the road. So we ate (breakfast, lunch, and dinner combined) at 4:30pm at a little pub restaurant next to our hotel. Broiled chicken salad for me! Fish tacos for the hubs.

Wednesday - we’ve only had a late breakfast so far and who knows for dinner!

Thursday - eating out

Friday - probably cook at home if we’re able to get back and settled in by then.

Saturday/Sunday - I can’t even think that far right now.

What I'm reminiscing about:

Reminiscing feels like it implies positive feelings. But, right now I am reminiscing about Hurricane Harvey in 2017, Hurricane Ike in 2008, and Hurricane Rita & Katrina in 2005.


That’s a lot of heavy feelings right there. My memory can regurgitate more tropical storms and hurricanes in our city/area but those were more recent and they were TOUGH.

*Harvey: I coincidentally had a trip planned to Knoxville the day before Harvey hit so I spent a week away while my family dealt with the flooding.

*Ike: I stayed at my town home in downtown Houston and it was an awful evening listening to the hurricane.

*Katrina: This hurricane hit New Orleans area but those precious people had to find refuge anywhere and everywhere and our city inherited a large number of Katrina evacuees. It was devastating and heartbreaking for them to lose everything and also have to move cities.

*Rita: I evacuated to Waco and sat beside myself upset that my family couldn’t get out of town because of the long lines of traffic and they turned around because they were running out of gasoline. Then I sat with major FEAR for them until the hurricane turned last minute and hit East Texas instead of Houston dead on.

In the grand scheme of things my family and friends have all been so lucky and blessed to have minimal damage compared to many others, but that does not diminish how tough it was for everyone. I considered sharing my own personal photos from those storms, but I have yucky feelings now and want to skip it.

Y’all, please say a prayer for everyone who will be affected over the next 24 hours by Hurricane Laura.

What I'm loving:

  • The simplicity of air conditioning. I have it set to 65 though I suspect it’s more like 70-ish degrees in here. It’s humming just loudly enough that it drowns out noises outside of the room which helps the pups not stir from their nap. Considering I was dripping wet with sweet earlier when I took them outside, I am very appreciative right now.

  • My pups - Today is National Dog Day and while I know it has been a chaotic 24 hours with them on the road and in a hotel, they’re just good babies and happy to be with us at all times. There is nothing so pure and loyal as a dog’s love.

  • My recent haircut. While it’s made putting my hair up into a bun a bit more difficult, it was long overdue. I actually wanted to cut it a little bit shorter than it turned out but for the work out/hot day hair up in a bun aspect I am pleased.

What we've been up to:

We’ve been working on minor projects around the house and selling things that I don’t really want or need anymore. I have been pretty successful this year selling stuff on Poshmark, Ebay, and Nextdoor. This has made me very pleased to clear out the unneeded items and to slowly bring in new items.

We’ve been tampering with the idea of traveling this fall, but haven’t quite set anything into motion. Truthfully I want to see my family before I do anything else, but with the Corona virus threatening everyone, everywhere, all the time, it has really restricted what we would normally do.

We’ve been working! The hubs is busy-busy all the time with work, thank God! I have been working on a one-off project for my boss and will soon be working again full time (but, from home). I’m spending the next couple of weeks preparing my mind and reviewing skills I need refreshing on, and we are preparing the command center (my desk) to have two monitors, a keyboard, etc. instead of just my lap top. It feels a bit surreal but I am looking forward to it.

What I'm dreading:

Hurricane Laura making landfall today/tonight.

What I'm working on:

Myself! I’m always a work in progress, but I am especially working on my fitness/running. Most of the time I feel like I’m not progressing, but it’s summer and it’s hot so I am thrilled to have progressed this year so far!

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way - Bible Study

Potentially redecorating the formal dining room a bit…I just added a console table to shift picture frames from the entry way console to the dining room. I’d like to sell our formal dining chairs and if* they sell then buy some lighter colored ones that go with the rug/curtains/colors of our home better. Thankfully I can take my time on that since we can’t host our usual large family gatherings this year. =’(

What I'm excited about:

Our girl’s trip to Napa to celebrate Emily! We had to postpone it to September from April. While it will be different than normal because of the masks and restrictions, we are ALL seriously in need to this cherished girl time together, risks and all. Yes - I will plan to quarantine for 2 weeks when I return.


What I'm watching/reading:

Watching: I haven’t really been watching anything lately. I put the Hallmark Channel on while I work out, I put on Friends in the evenings when I’m working on other stuff before bed. I have caught a few Married at First Sites and a few 90 Day Fiance’s but haven’t committed to figuring out their schedules or recording them (even though I love them!).

Reading: One in a Million while I’m on the treadmill.

I just finished these books as well and enjoyed them:

What I'm listening to:

Currently the weather channel on the TV. At home I’ve been listening to my Hillsong United radio station on Pandora while I work.

What I'm wearing:

I previously shared a post on some Amazon dresses that I ordered and loved! I ordered one of them in red originally, and now ordered it in navy and black. I love the material because it is so forgiving to the heat and I can dress it up with heels or wedges or wear it casual with sandals.


I also recently ordered from American Eagle, which was the first time in a decade. This AE pelum tank kept showing up in my Facebook feed and I was intrigued. I finally pulled the trigger. I ordered a small and while it is a little loose in some ways I am certain I couldn’t have worn an XS. I have since worn it with and without a strapless bra so the double layer of material in the front is sufficient for coverage for me.

Then I decided to try these jean shorts. What I have liked about these is the 90’s boyfriend fit. The waist is higher and a bit more snug than some I wear and the leg openings are looser. That, my friends, is what sold me to keep them. I’m not sure I love them but I absolutely love them at the same time. I know that makes no sense, but there is something magical about not having jean shorts hugging my thighs and having to tug them down. #curvygirlproblem #thunderthighs

AE Peplum Tank // AE 90s Boyfriend Denim

**You can see the 5” denim shorts I adore in a previous post here.

What I'm doing this weekend:

This is to be determined. As of now, we plan to be back home and working on our usual home projects. I need to catch up on running and my bible study too. We’ll need to move everything back to it’s place in the backyard. I’d like to create a list of everything I need to do to prepare to start working as well as set up a schedule for myself for how my days will be structured now.

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Napa! We always have the best time together so I’m excited to make some new memories.

Decorating for fall. =) I like to put out my fall decor around mid-September. I couldn’t be more ready, already.

What else is new:

That’s it for now!

How have you been this month? Anything fun and new happening for you?

Wishing you all a wonderful remainder of the week! If you’re in the Hurricane path we are thinking of you and praying for you all!

