Friday Favorites - May 18th 2018
OMGoodness. Where did it all go?
Who cares?!? Friday is here and therefore, let's all celebrate the weekend right? The hubs will be flying back tonight from a work trip and we'll have a date night on the return from the airport. This week has been wonderful and busy with lunches and dinners, cooking and baking, canoodling Lorenzo the bunny puppy, and trying to keep up with my growing to-do list. Life is good.
I'm linking up with Andrea for my weekly Friday Favorites.
Favorite #1
Wine. Relaxation. Bath time.
I rarely have all three. I rarely have even two of the three. But, we have a nice, beautiful tub in a stunning, glam, and gorgeous bathroom and I am determined to make it a point to soak once per week. Is that realistic? Not at all. I take a bubble/salt bath maybe twice a year. However, we have the products and the beautiful setting. I am making it a goal.
Enter in this Over the Tub Caddy that holds a wine glass and can prop a book or iPad (hello Pinterest) and even a candle if you so desire. It's easy to assemble, too. (I didn't attach the candle.)
Future relaxation is looking bright my friends.
Favorite #2
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
God is so good. He puts people in our lives for the right reason and at the right time. Even if things end badly and hurt, it is ultimately for our growth and our good. I believe this in general and about every person that has been brought into my life.
I visited my (former) office last week and it warmed my heart. I miss every single person in that office and feel it through my soul. I was able to have lunch with my dear friend, Konni, and catch up on life. It is hard to go from seeing someone every day that has such a positive influence on your life to not being able to see them. But, that makes friendships stronger I think. We had a great time catching up over sushi and bento boxes but something I will hold dear is this gift she gave me that's hand made by a Texas artist. I love that she shops local and supports people who are chasing their dream. I love The Bible verse itself. I love the necklace and thought she put into buying it.
Trust your journey. Trust in God. Trust that the ultimate outcome is His will, for His glory, and better than any plan we could have attempted for our own lives.
Favorite #3
Family & friends.
I've said it before but I love the people in my life. Last Friday took a turn I didn't plan for. My quiet evening alone while the hubs was traveling turned into one of my besties driving over to visit and meet Lorenzo and then three of my cousins doing the same! It essentially threw off my weekend to-do lists but gosh we had a nice time with our impromptu gathering with wine, champagne, and snacks I had on hand. We visited by the pool and all got in the hot tub. The evening ran late, as in 1am late, but this was a rare occurrence especially to have that quality time with my cousins. I am grateful for having the ability to wing it, to host them, and that I had that time.
A progression of the evening...
Favorite #4
Cooking and baking.
I'm slowly getting into a groove of being able to cook some as Lorenzo the bunny puppy and I find a schedule that works for us both. We've only had him for two weeks so it'll keep getting better and easier!
For Mother's Day weekend I made Mammaw's rosemary chicken and this pineapple cake with toasted coconut cream cheese icing from Mix and Match Mama. I use unsweetened shredded coconut and less powdered sugar than what is called for for the icing. I have made the cake from scratch, from a box mix with crushed pineapple, and a Paleo cake with pineapple added. They all work well and each one has been a mega hit. However, I have not dabbled with the icing to make it Paleo...
It's easy enough and everyone has loved it!
Favorite #5
I went to the gym! This may seem silly, but I was excited. Since I moved out the apartment in early February, I haven't been in a gym. We started working out at Orange Theory which kicked my tail all over the place and back again, and I may have managed one or two runs during the months of my long commute. My energy was zapped. My days were long. My stress was high.
I love most every type of work out and love the challenge it gives the body and feeling sore in ways you do didn't know was possible. I do. I love all of that. But, I missed me. I missed my ME time. I missed my reading time, exercise time, music time, podcast time, and quiet time with my thoughts. I still miss my sunrise and sunset runs as it's difficult to see either between the beautiful trees in this gorgeous neighborhood, and believe me when I say I count my blessings every day.
It just
I started a new book called Loving Him Well by Gary Thomas. I am intrigued and thrilled to begin the list of books I have stored that I want to read. This one is a revised version of Gary Thomas' original book Sacred Influence.
Please ignore and excuse the sweat on the screen. I was running...
Favorite #6
Veggies and healthy things.
I am a mix of wanting to try new recipes and wanting to use up the apocalypse supply of food my hubby has acquired before me. Read: single servings of instant mashed potatoes, boxed mashed potatoes, rice galore, pasta galore, beans galore, and other random things. There's nothing specifically wrong with any of these depending on the lifestyle of eating you choose to follow. Right now I haven't dedicated myself to any one thing between the honeymoon indulgences and my fetal attempts to cook and use up these supplies. I don't like having too much in stock and excessive amounts of things in the freezer. I also like to cook and want/need to cook for you loving readers.
Enter in tonight when I heated up leftover meatloaf (Mammaw's recipe), and sauteed some needed to be used fresh veggies (Brussels sprouts and cauliflower) with frozen riced sweet potato and cauliflower in coconut oil and a dash of water. Hearty. Healthy. Flavorful. I used the seasoning we have taking up pantry space and called it an easy meal. No sugar added.
I love how bright green the Brussels sprouts turn.
Favorite #7
Kitchen sink cookies.
Have you heard of these? My memory of the title is that it's whatever you have left over that you throw in to your cookie batter. It can be crushed pretzels, crushed chips, crushed cereal. Well, when I decided to make cookies while I was baking meatloaf (Mammaw's recipe), I decided not to look at any former recipes and just wing it. After baking this many years you know what you can get away with. Whether they'll be your best cookie ever or not is debatable but it sure makes it less tedious in the moment.
Ingredients used without measuring: pumpkin puree, unsweetened shredded coconut, raw almond butter, baking powder, cinnamon, vanilla extract, 1 egg, oatmeal, honey and a small amount of monk fruit, and Enjoy Life chocolate chips. (I mentioned these in yesterday's post!). They are tasty cookies. Never to substitute a true, glutenous chocolate chip cookie of course...but these are close to Paleo (minus the oatmeal) and not all too unhealthy of a treat. I baked them for 12 minutes at 350 *F.
Favorite #8
Affordable fashion.
I need this in my life. I can't justify it because I have too many (new) purses. But, for $30 and Old Navy sales...someone needs to get this color blocked straw saddle bag.
Speaking of Old Navy, I recently purchased this dress in the navy striped pattern. It's so comfortable I didn't want to take it off. It's quality material and thick unlike some of their things, can be dressed up or down easily, and it's stretchy. STOP right there. Read that again. You need this dress. I need it in black now. Stat.
Favorite #9
Weddings and wedding planning.
'Tis the season. I have six weddings this year. SIX. One was my own, but that's another FIVE. I love it. I love the love.
I had dinner last night with one of my besties and was thrilled when she asked me to be a part of her wedding party. I love her. I love her soon-to-be hubby. I love our friendship. I love wedding planning. It meant a lot to me to be asked. I may have shed some tears, too.
I think I'll wrap this up right there. I wanted to share everything this Friday since I'm traveling next week and likely unable to work on any blog related things. Hopefully I'll have my honeymoon outfits post to share with you next Friday instead of a true Friday Favorites.
So, next week will be: Everything Bagel Cauliflower roll recipe, Houston wedding vendors post (with lots of wedding photos), and *hopefully* my honeymoon outfits post...if I can find the time to write.
How was your week? What were some favorites of yours?
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!