What's Up Wednesday: November 2017

Thanksgiving is tomorrow! Woo hoo!  I'm syncing up with Shay and Sheaffer to review what I've been up to so far in November in my monthly What's Up Wednesday post.  We're sharing a little bit early this month and next month too.  Can you believe that November is almost over?  Where has 2017 gone?


What I'm eating this week:

Turkey.  Dressing.  Green bean casserole.  Sweet potato casserole.  And all things pumpkin.  

I actually cooked a full Thanksgiving dinner for my (local) family last Friday when my siblings were in town but I get to enjoy Thanksgiving two more times this week!  #luckyme

I prepared: roasted turkey, GF turkey gravy, GF and vegetarian stuffing, GF sweet potato casserole, GF au-gratin potatoes, GF green bean casserole, Paleo cranberry sauce, cheesy-pesto monkey bread, rolls, my GF Paleo crustless pumpkin pie, GF pumpkin pudding pie, and a GF Paleo chocolate pie using a chocolate pudding recipe I shared before.  I failed to take a single picture of the food that evening as my hands were busy with food prep, serving, cleaning, and loving on/holding my precious nieces.  

What I'm reminiscing about:

11.19.16 - and a yellow sheet of paper.

11.2014 - and my trip to Turkey and Romania with two of my besties.  We had an incredible experience in both countries.  I would love to go back again in a heart beat and pray Turkey becomes safe again for us to travel to.

What I'm loving:

Christmas pajamas.  Get yourself into the Christmas spirit with some!  =}  

I like these thermal leggings to sleep in and I confirmed in person that these t-shirts are soft!  I picked up the Merry & Bright sleep shirt below but there's multiple Christmas patterns available.

Christmas sleep t--shirt and Christmas thermal leggings

I've read great reviews about these two Christmas pajamas and have the Snow Day pajamas in "ivory egret Rudolph" (the ones on the right) on the way!

Make + Model Knit Girlfriend Pajamas & Eye Mask  and Snow Day Graphic Pajamas

What I've been up to:

Visiting with family & friends, church, work-work-work, and life.

My siblings & precious nieces were in town last week so we took them to the Children's Museum on the 14th before meeting my cousin & her family for dinner.

We took them to the mall on the 15th for Build-a-Bear and ran into Santa Claus so naturally had to visit with him before we headed over to a Playland to let the girls play.

We took them to Magical Winter Lights on the 16th where they saw beautiful Christmas lights, rode a couple of carnival rides (very limited due to height restrictions), and met Elsa & Ana from Frozen.

We enjoyed the Thanksgiving dinner I prepared on the 17th without a single picture taken...and then on Saturday the 18th the girls played dress up during our family get-together with the costumes that my cousins Eddie & Ivy gave the girls.  Playing dress-up is always a hit! 

I simply cannot get enough sugar from my nieces and always feel SO sad when my family heads home.  It was a tiring week with work and play but worth every second of it.

What I'm dreading:

Right about now through the rest of the year I would officially like to check out from work mentally.  #okthanksbye


What I'm working on:

Keeping up with my schedule and plans and appointments.  That's about it until the year is over.  I am overwhelmed and tired and quite frankly want to enjoy this holiday season so will likely put everything else on hold to enjoy any quiet moments I can with Christmas music, movies, fireplaces, wine, and Christmas decor/cheer/present shopping & wrapping.  I think that sums it up.

buddy the elf.JPG

What I'm excited about:

The holidays!  I love this time of year.  Plus, I'll be headed to Tennessee to see my family there soon.  

What I'm watching/reading:

Watching: I am keeping the TV on the Hallmark Channel for their count down to Christmas as well as ramping up my usual Christmas Vacation watching.  Typically the TV is on and I'm not sitting down to actually watch it but I like to have these on in the background.

Some of my other favorites:

This department has slowed down to a snail's pace for me given the craziness of my schedule lately.  I am keeping up with my One Year Bible, which I love and cannot rave enough about it.  I am still re-reading The Meaning of Marriage on the treadmill because I have been exercising outside as much as possible with the slightly cooler weather.  

What I'm listening to:

Christmas music as much as possible!  And my usual podcasts: Joyce Meyer, Hope City, Breakaway Ministries, Bayou City Fellowship, and Marriage Today.

What I'm wearing:

Boots, jeans, sweaters, scarves as much as possible.

Free People sweater / Target tank / Old Navy Rockstar jeans / similar boots


What I'm doing this weekend:

A lot of this...


Also decorating for Christmas some more, going to church, some outdoor running & walking, and hopefully sleeping. =)

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Friendsgiving, holiday celebrations, visiting my family in Tennessee, Christmas, and church!  All wonderful things.

What else is new:

I'm pretty sure I've summed this up and if I've missed something you'll hear about it soon enough anyway.

How has your month of November been so far?  Are you looking forward to Thanksgiving tomorrow?  Planning to do any Black Friday shopping?

Wishing everyone a wonderful Turkey Day with your families and friends!

