Friday Favorites - July 14th 2017

Welcome back, Friday!  TGIF.  I had to seriously readjust to working 5 days this week.  The struggle was very real.  I am in the throes of (slowly) moving coupled with umpteen events and things happening so despite my best efforts not to plan anything for July, here I am busy as ever.  New goal: slow down in August to let my brain and body rest.  Meanwhile, I'm linking up with Andrea today to share my favorites about the past week and an honorable mention regarding my trip to Tennessee.

Favorite #1

My trip to Tennessee to see my family was the perfect culmination to end my marathon of vacations so far this year.  While I can't wait to start planning the end of the year's trips, I also am excited to focus on being home and moving.  Now, back to my family.  There were 40 of us in total that traveled (and some live there) to celebrate my Mammaw's 92nd birthday.  We celebrated a week early to make traveling easier because her birthday falls close to July 4th.  It was amazing to see how my family flows in and out of Mammaw's place just like we used to do every.single.Sunday.  It felt like home even though I was about 1000 miles from home.  Here's a pic of Mammaw with her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

We somehow ended up in similar colors and that was not planned...

We somehow ended up in similar colors and that was not planned...

While in TN, I got to love on my fur-baby niece and nephew.  I've mentioned him before and his silly smiles when I love on him. ;) 

Favorite #2

While there in Tennessee we celebrated my nieces' birthdays at Chuck E. Cheese.  My sweet angels are turning 4, 3, and 2 (the twins) this summer so while we were all together in one state, we thought it best to celebrate the little princesses.  Tia Becca and Tia Secca cannot get enough of our brilliant beauties!

Favorite #3

As mentioned previously, I'm moving and taking my time in doing so.  This allows time to get rid of things I no longer want/need and find a suitable home for the items whether its donating it, selling it, or discarding it.  I'm happy to have an overlap of time to be able to do this so that it's less overwhelming as all moves are.  I came across these cuties that Mammaw hand made for all of her grandchildren when I was REALLY little.  The blonde doll is mine, the brunette doll is my sister's.  

I also discovered this welcome gift as I was moving stuff last weekend and it brightened my day.  There's hardly anything more special to me than something thoughtful and sincere. 

Favorite #4

All white.  Simple.  Classic.  Classy.  It's the perfect canvas to add a pop of color and a great casual date night outfit.

I did just that with my tassel earrings.  And then a torrential downpour came along so I quickly changed into (non-white) blue jeans and rain boots.  Oh well - the top and earrings made it out of the house this day.

You can shop this exact outfit and similar looks by clicking here or by copying and pasting the link into your browser:

Favorite #5

White jeans take two, because they didn't make it out of the house the night before and they truly are a summer staple for me.  I own shorts, but am much more of fan of wearing jeans or dresses.  This ensemble was the perfect outfit for church and brunch.  Cute & comfy.  

You can shop this precise outfit and other similar finds by clicking here or copying and pasting the below link into your browser.


Both of the above outfits and additional summer styles I've rounded up over the last months can be found below:

How was your week so far?  Anything excited or neat to share?  Comment below!  

You can find the recap on my Napa trip as well as those outfits by clicking here.  Here's a bonus treat that made me laugh.  I took a screenshot from a video of us dancing in the limo bus on our way home after 5 wine tastings and a wine pairing dinner at Ehler's Estate.  We popped a bottle of champagne and boogied down.  I'm sure no additional commentary is needed.  We had the best time. =)

Wishing everyone a fun, relaxing, and blessed weekend ahead! 

