Let's Look: My Favorite Binge Shows

Hello dear blog family,

It is August and my fall loving heart is counting down! I am anxiously awaiting cooler weather, pumpkin everything, and leaves changing colors. A girl can dream, right?

Today I’m linking up to share my favorite binge shows. I almost skipped this one intentionally (versus the previous months that I just didn’t have the time to sit down to write the post) because I don’t truly binge watch anything. I typically go all day without turning on the television or if I do it is for background noise.

But, do you want what I do watch and shamelessly love? The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, and Bachelore in Paradise. Yes, I typically watch it days or weeks late…thank you, DVR. But it is simply awesome!

I know, I know. It’s cheesy, somewhat predictable, and definitely scripted at points. For example: they all run and jump into each others arms on their one on one dates, the must kiss against a wall in an alley way, and somehow there’s always a “surprise” band playing for “just them” and a 100 random female audience. Nonetheless, the show makes me laugh I get caught up in watching the decision making (or lack thereof).

I started watching it with my Mammaw when the show first came out decades ago. She and I got really invested into the first two seasons and I would RUSH home from my teller job to catch the second half of it. Mammaw would fill me in on what had happened. This was before the days of DVR and if we wanted to try to record it we’d have to set the VCR to record. VCR y’all. Video TAPE. I think I may have attempted that, but couldn’t honestly tell you because I know we didn’t record it. So, when Mammaw and I would miss an episode we’d both be pretty bummed not to know what happened! Think before the days of blogs, social media, and websites discussing the show. After the second season (which I think was Trista), Mammaw and I agreed we didn’t want to invest ourselves into the show because we hated missing out. HA! I literally didn’t even consider watching it again until 2017 when Rachel Lindsay was the Bachelorette and a blogger I follow was sharing her HILARIOUS recaps of the shows. I had to start watching it again!


Aside from The Bachelor Nation stuff, I’m a fan of having Hallmark movies on in the background during the day if I turn the TV on at all. They’re peaceful and the story line is always the same so it doesn’t matter if I pay attention or glance up every now and then…I can figure out what’s going on. Hallmark is especially my fave around Christmas time though. I DO keep the TV on all day then because I am constantly hearing Christmas songs and if I look up from what I’m doing or as I’m walking by I see Christmas scenes and snow. That makes my heart happy!

What are your favorite shows to binge watch? I always hear of titles when I’m with my friends but for the life of me I don’t remember them and am so out of touch with what’s on! The hubs binge watches the news, Cops, Live PD, Live Rescue, and documentaries. We’re complete opposite on TV preferences. ;) Are you and your spouse on the same page when it comes to shows?

I’d love to hear!

COMING SOON (hopefully):

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Wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday. We’re halfway to the weekend!

