Blogging - One Year Anniversary!

Holy moly, it's been a year.  366 days to be exact.  September 21st, 2016 was my very first blog post on a blog that no one else except my friend, Konni, knew existed.  

I think back to the earlier part of September when Konni began encouraging me sign up for a marketing course that was soon to start and soon to be closed off from joining.  She knew what was in my heart with blogging and sharing my knowledge about relationships and marriage.  She encouraged me to take the plunge that so many had been urging me to begin years and years prior.  

You see, I was familiar with hearing from my friends Elizabeth and Lindsey (to name only a couple) that I needed to share my crafts, DIY, recipes, or party ideas that I would set up for kids or friends or family.  I always thought, YES!  Yes, of course I will.  One day, I will.  One day when I'm married with children I will start a blog.  And my life was headed that way according to the promises made to me.  So I waited, but began to share pictures of my craft projects and elaborate, healthy meals on social media.  Grainy, dim photos that I never thought I'd need to use...but my desire was there.

*Ticktock * Ticktock, I waited.  

Then, the day came after I began working through the marketing course that the light bulb went off for me.  I was ready to jump in feet first and pray to stay afloat in the current.  So I did it.  

Be the Girl.PNG

I made a sizable investment for a blog site and course that I never anticipated earning anything from just so that I could get the thoughts and words out of my head.  I decided not to use the free options only because I hoped this would grow into something long term and something worthwhile for my readers. 

Has it?  I'm not 100% sure, but I do hope so.  It's been a wild year for a lot of reasons and I can remember everything I thought and felt while writing each and every post.  It's a testament to my strength in processing life's hurdles while maintaining a goal.  It's a documentary of my learning and growth in blogging (as well as stagnation).  It's an account of how fast a year can go.  

Every word is mine.  You are reading into my thoughts.  I hope you enjoyed following along with me this far.  I appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to read these, as I know many, many people close to me do not.  And that's OK!  Life is busy and my words aren't for everyone's taste.  I do kindly ask that you continue to spread the word about my blog as much as possible.  It takes a lot of time, effort, and expense to maintain what I do and I definitely want for it to continue to grow and help others for as long as I continue to pursue blogging.

When will I stop?  In the long run, I do not know.  But, I promise to try to enjoy it while I continue.

Happy Anniversary to me!  

