Friday Favorites - May 26th 2017

TGIF!  I am jetting out of town this weekend and could not be more excited to explore a new city, have cooler weather, and enjoy spending time with someone.  Life is good.  Am I right?  This time next week we'll be in JUNE.  *blinks twice in disbelief* Good heavens!  I hope everyone is counting their blessings at lightening speed like I have been every month.  Actually, speaking of counting our blessings makes me think of one of my favorites.  So let's begin!  

I'm linking up with Andrea to share my favorites from this past week.  In no particular order:

Favorite #1

This guy.  

I have no idea who he is.  I have no idea what he was thinking about.  I pulled up next to him while at a light on Shepherd in route to dinner.  I sat staring at this guy for the minute or two I was stopped wondering what he was thinking about.  Is he ok?  Is he sad?  Is he praying to God?  Did something good or bad happen to him or someone he knows?  At first I would have thought he was only thinking about his next move with the shovel and digging the trench (I assume that's what he was doing with that shovel), but he just kept staring off into space entrenched in thought.  I said a prayer for him.  I don't know him.  But, it served as a good reminder that everyone is hurting in some way whether we know it or not, and whether we show it or not.  Some of us carry these hurts longer than others and some of these hurts creep up on us in a flash of a (bad) memory that left a scar in our hearts.  Who knows what this gentleman was going through and perhaps it wasn't even negative.  But, we have the power to speak life into people's lives every day with a kind word or compliment.  We also have the power to change someone's day by praying for them.  Correction - we do not have the power to change their day, God does.  But, we have the ability to pray for strangers as well as people we know and love.  Isn't that pretty neat?  I like the idea that someone I haven't even met has potentially seen me in the midst of a struggle and prayed.  =)

Favorite #2

I've mentioned these a couple of times before but I cannot help myself but to suggest them again.  Good Cravings is undoubtedly my favorite Whole 30 / Paleo energy bar.  The ingredients are healthy and raw.  They're filling and nutritious.  They're locally made here in Houston and they pretty much taste like a dessert treat.  #heaven  I splurged at the Farmer's Market recently to try the "truffles" and GET OUT were they good!  They offer flat rate shipping if you can't visit one of the many farmer's markets she sells at. 

Favorite #3

Ahhhh.  Dinner, wine, and my favorite magazine.  I recently purchased Italian turkey sausage for a pesto pasta recipe I had hoped to (and did) prepare for the blog (that flopped in a major way), and thus had sausage on hand to use for various random throw-together-whatever-is-left kind of dinners.  One evening over the last couple of weeks, I roasted odds and ends of veggies I had remaining and even roasted the sausage in the oven for an easy clean up, one pan dinner.  Believe it when I say these are usually my favorite meals and they hit the spot.  Simple, healthy, and hearty.  Plus wine, because wine not?

Another evening in the last couple of weeks, I threw together the tidbits I had left in the refrigerator (holding off on groceries given my travel schedules).  I sauteed 1/2 half of an onion, 1 turkey sausage link cut up, added in 1 egg to scramble at the end, along with a handful of frozen, organic spinach from the freezer.  All in my Copper Chef pan.  All mixed together.  All sooooo delicious.

I'm sharing these not because I thought they tasted good (which they did), but to inspire you to not waste the leftover vegetables lingering around after you prepare a recipe.  You can usually throw them together and make something great.

Favorite #4

This dress.  I haven't even had the opportunity to wear it yet and I love it.  I had zero intentions of using this picture when I took it to send to some girlfriends for their opinion on the "sleeves", so please excuse the super serious look and hair.  Although, we all know my intentional mirror selfies are not the best so perhaps this is better.  

Anyway, this dress is $30 and from Target.  I am not wearing shoes and am 5'4.5".  Yes, I claim the extra 1/2 inch!  Anyway, I will be able to wear it with sandals or wedges.  In sandals it will skim the ground a little bit so I'll have to be careful to not get it dirty.  But, it's love I tell you.  It feels like a cotton nightgown and is roomy to hide any bloating days (cheers to that ladies!) and it has room for growth for any pregnant mama's out there. =)  All around I consider this dress a win that you will see more formally soon when I actually get to wear it in public.  

It comes in a navy & pink floral print as well.  I ordered it online and they shipped it so fast I got it 2 days later.  I can't guarantee that prompt of shipment arrival but I was happy & lucky!

Favorite #5

This quote - all of it.  May we all strive to be this type of woman.

Favorite #6

Ooh-la-la an extra favorite this week!  I'm excited about this product that I heard about from Houston Tidbits.  It's basically a Yeti type of container that is vacuum sealed for your wine & champagne bottles (or sparkling water...) that will keep the wine bottles chilled.  HELLO!  I have found the perfect gift.  Vinglacé was created by a Houston couple too!  #doublethewin.  If anyone is looking to give me a gift any time soon, I would gladly take one of these.  Yes, I am buying one anyway.  But, I suspect having more than one will be ideal for future gatherings around a pool or outdoor dinners.  Oh - and it comes in stainless steel, white, and black.

Well this sums up my favorites for the week!  I hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial weekend with the extra day off from work.  Are you doing anything fun or traveling anywhere as well?  Comment below!

Don't forget to subscribe to the blog if you haven't already and please take the time to forward along and share with your family and friends.  It helps me out tremendously when you let others know about my site or else my work and efforts are in vain!


PS - for your amusement. =)  A flashback photo to Memorial Day 2013 while perusing an antique store in Brenham, TX.  I pulled my long hair up into this wig and waited for the other person to turn around.  ;)  Why do I do these things?  I'll never know.  Seemed like a good idea and it still makes me smile.
