What's Up Wednesday: December 2023
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Hello friends,
I hope you had a lovely Christmas / holiday. It saddens me that it’s over so quickly and we have to wait another full year for the season to return.
But, let’s just go ahead and acknowledge that yesterday was a really hard day for me and my family. Like, really-really-REALLY difficult. Yesterday was the first anniversary of my dad passing away. There are no adequate words to express how hard this has been for me. Not only for my father to pass away, but to have watched him suffer in his decline the last month he was alive haunts me. I am working on grieving and I am working on processing this, but man - I miss him on top of all of that.
I do not wish this heaviness on anyone and I know many of you reading this have lost parents and/or loved ones and that not all deaths are peaceful. To be absent of the body is to be present with the Lord. I am trying so hard to focus on that in these moments of heaviness. My dad got to meet Jesus. Amen to that. 🙏
Now, onwards we go to a more positive post about this month…
As usual, I am linking up to share my monthly recap on the last Wednesday of the month.
Technically less than 364 days now but when I made this image below I followed suit with the others before me. =)
If you’re new(er) to my blog site, this is what we recap every month:
What we're eating this week:
Do you ever feel tired of eating? I am tired of thinking about what to eat and tired of eating. But, we have to so here we are.
This week we went to Prima Pasta on Christmas day because they’re open 365 days a year and I did not want to cook (imagine that!). I needed a stress-free Christmas day leading into December 26th.
The rest of the week I suspect we’ll continue to eat out.
My goal is to consider cooking more after the holidays and the half marathon when life hopefully slows down. I plan to do the Prolon Fast again and ease back into eating healthier because this year has been a lot of fast food and eating out in general because LIFE.
What I'm reminiscing about:
Is it called reminiscing when it’s haunting? Reminiscing has a positive connotation.
I am “reminiscing” on this entire past year - and I guess reflecting on the fact that I survived each and every day despite how my heart was shattered. I survived going out in public, meetings, appointments, visits with family and friends even when I didn’t want to do any of it. I survived buying a new house and renovating it and moving. I survived just getting out of bed on some days, but did so much more than that on each and every day because 1) I had too much to do and 2) I knew staying busy would help me escape my mind and emotions.
So, I guess I thrived, not just survived. I do not know how I managed other than the grace and reassurance of Jesus. I know the emotions will lighten in time.
What I'm loving:
I’m definitely not over the excitement of these remote control outlets. I wish I had discovered them sooner and it was only because I was looking for wireless (no outlet needed) night lights for the stairway to the 3rd floor that I saw these. 😍
Wireless Remote Control Outlets
Rechargeable Night Lights
I was essentially about to repeat my recent post about the things I ordered from Amazon. 😂 So why don’t you take a quick little look here if you missed it. These are the little things in life that I - as a 41 year old woman - am excited about these days.
Easy LTK Link: https://liketk.it/4qTtl
What we've been up to:
December was a festive, hectic blip of a month.
We had a lot workers in the house for renovation repairs which caused me to have to cancel holiday plans. Husband and my mom traveled which caused me to have to cancel a fun and festive trip to stay back with the pups and the home repairs. I did a lot of running when I could fit it in and participated in a 10k virtual run “Are You Serious Clark?” benefiting Feeding America. Vet appointments, doctor appointments, hair appointments, and grooming appointments. We had family come into town and stay with us as well as hosted a baby shower. I attended some festive outings with friends & Christmas parties. We hosted our company’s annual Christmas dinner (where I totally forgot I had asked everyone to bring a gift for a white elephant gift exchange because I have been running on fumes not sleeping and juggling everything above). We had festive family dinners and hosted our immediate family for Christmas day…had to keep it small and simple because I’m depleted and emotional!
All in all, it was a nice month but I’m glad it’s over and pray life slows down some.
What I'm dreading:
Taking down my holiday decor - I’m ready to honestly, but don’t have the energy to do it.
What I'm working on:
RUNNING. I have signed up to run the Aramco Half Marathon in January and to fundraise for CanCare. If you missed my blog post about why I’m running - click here. If you don’t care why I’m running but want to donate to my fundraising page for CanCare - click here.
My blog, of course. This month proved difficult to write much and everything I did for it felt rushed and scattered. I hope to sort out a schedule of content and also a schedule for me to follow so that I’m not rushing everything.
A schedule for 2024.
What I'm excited about:
Completing the Half Marathon so that it is behind me!
The idea that life will slow down after that…
Planning trips for 2024.
What I'm watching/reading:
I’ve had Christmas music playing on the TV (IHeartRadio or YouTube), Christmas movies, or Hallmark Christmas shows - all playing in the background this month. As I’m typing this, the movie Four Christmases is on TV.
This has been another slow reading month for me!
I didn’t get to finish this book before my library loan lapsed so I have it on hold again, thus will finish it when it becomes available again. It’s been a nice read and different storyline than usual.
I started this one:
I previously purchased the following devotional that I am looking forward to starting in January. I mentioned this last month as well.
You can click this link or scroll to the top of the page and click on “Books” to view all of the self-help books I’ve read if you are considering a topic and want a suggestion.
What I'm listening to:
Four Christmases on TV right now.
What I'm wearing:
I’ve been adding more and more to my LTK profile throughout the month so you can always follow along with me there to see what outfits or (HOLIDAY) home décor items I’m sharing! There are outfits on there that didn’t make it out of the house yet OR that I didn’t take a photo of when I wore it in real life.
A little bit from this last 30-ish days:
Easy LTK link: https://liketk.it/4pdJt
I love these pants and have shared them a dozen+ times. 🤍 I have them in “sandshell” (below) and black.
Easy LTK link: https://liketk.it/4po2r
I can’t get enough of these cropped puffer vests and am wearing them on repeat with my favorite work out leggings.
Easy LTK link: https://liketk.it/4qaPJ
I’m obsessed with skorts this year. I have purchased four since the summer. They are comfortable and I don’t have to worry about showing anything underneath.
Easy LTK link: https://liketk.it/4qmOW
My other fave slacks that I just bought in espresso as well. They’re pull on and ankle length.
Easy LTK link: https://liketk.it/4qpAz
Skort - buttery soft body suit - and low heeled booties. I loved this outfit for the baby shower.
Clearly this is an action shot and I’m talking but it’s the only photo I have of myself from the day.
Easy LTK link: https://liketk.it/4quAg
I’ve fallen for this bright pink cropped puffer vest (same as the black one above). I’ve worn it over work out clothes and with jeans and a festive (pajama) top when I took Luigi to the vet on another day.
Easy LTK link: https://liketk.it/4mD72
I adore this sweater so much. I’m wearing an XS and it’s very loose fitting. At the time of me drafting this post, the black turtleneck is available in XS only. There is a pretty sage color, too.
Easy LTK link: https://liketk.it/4qNT0
I’m wearing my Spanx faux leather leggings and fave Nine West Gonda booties on this evening. It’s easy to wear all black and I like it so it’s my usual go to, but I have made attempts to be as festive as I could muster this month. 🎄 A poncho / rauna / shawl is an easy way to add a festive flare.
You can view most of these details on my LiketoKnow.It page OR email me. =)
What I'm doing this weekend:
This weekend we will be celebrating my mom’s 72nd birthday. It’s also my uncles’ birthdays on the 31st. We haven’t decided what we’re doing for New Year’s Eve, but more than likely we’ll stay home because the fireworks really frighten Lorenzo and I don’t like to leave him knowing that. I would be happy to sit in pajamas and drink champagne at home. I like the sparkly outfits though... TBD…
What I'm looking forward to next month:
I am looking forward to finishing the half marathon. I know I can walk when I need to and I do not put any pressure on myself to run the entire time. I’m not competing for anything. But, knowing that many of you donated to my fundraising makes me feel a hint nervous about completing it “well”. 💙
I’m also looking forward to having a clean house again once the Christmas decor is organized and put away.
What else is new:
That’s about it for now…
How was your December and holidays? Did Santa visit you and bring you anything fun? Comment below!