Spring Cleaning Tips and Ideas


Tomorrow is the first official day of spring. Do you know what that means? We’re closer to summer and then closer to fall. 🎉 I can just smell the crisp leaves falling and the pumpkin spice in the air.

Before we move forward though, today is my brother’s 40th birthday!!!!!!!! Woot woot! Happy Birthday George! I love my big brother so much. He is a super smarty pants, PhD neuroscientist, handsome, funny, prank playing (esp. on his little sister growing up), husband to my beautiful sister in law and my FOUR beautiful nieces. It feels like yesterday we were making mud pies in the back yard, riding our bikes through the neighborhood, and arguing over who’s Nintendo it was. =} Gosh I miss my family. #goawayCovid #youcan’tsitwithus

Tomorrow, the first day of spring also falls on my brother in law’s birthday! Woot! So a Happy Birthday shout out to Tony, too!

Ok, so back to spring. I always think of spring cleaning and decided to dredge up this former post from light years ago to share my spring cleaning tips.

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The topic of cleaning and organizing always gets me excited.  One would think that after years and years of cleaning our home, my grandmother's home, and my parent's business that I'd hate cleaning.  But, truth be told I actually enjoy the satisfaction I feel and sense of accomplishment once it's completed.  Do you feel the same?

I am a pretty avid cleaner I would say, but I tend to clean as I go almost daily.  I like to keep my place organized and tidy so I do things like make my bed every morning and wipe down the kitchen counters and bathroom sink every day.  It is rare that I will leave a mess behind when I leave, but it's not impossible.  There's just something that triggers in me that says, turn around and hang up your nightgown or put this or that away - it only takes a second.  

I tend to just clean things as I notice them too, like the restroom or vacuuming so there's no true schedule there.  This is how the build up can happen though...

Whether you clean or you have someone come to clean, it is actually a good idea to set aside time to do a more thorough cleaning a few times a year.

My top spring cleaning rituals are:

1)  Clean out your closets - ALL OF THEM.  Get to it.  Pull all of the junk out of there and make a donation pile.  It is time to part ways with things you haven't used in years, have forgotten you even owned, and give up the mantra that you don't want to have to buy it again one day so you'll just store it.  This goes for clothes, accessories, shoes, and any other household item.  All of it!  Having clutter, even unseen clutter tucked away in the closet, can feel burdensome.  I personally feel this way every time I open my utility closet to stare at sentimental items on the shelf that I do nothing with, yet store.  Why?  Why am I holding on to old dolls that are ragged and beat up, likely never to be used by any children that I may or may not have one day?  Am I hoarding in that closet?  Heaven forbid...

2) Clean out your garage.  I don't have one, but oh, the memories of what ends up in garages.  Temporary storage turns into a graveyard of unused items.  Lighten the load of clutter by donating what is in good condition and tossing the rest.

3)  Clean out every drawer in your house.  I mean it.  Toss the extra, mismatched socks and dingy undergarments with holes in them that you hope no one sees.  Snagged or frayed clothes?  Get them fixed or donate them.  Clothes that don't fit well anymore?  Donate them.  I understand some items may be expensive and you aim for a day that you have the opportunity to wear it again.  A few of those items are fine.  Half of the closet, not so much.   

We all have a designated junk drawer and even that gets loaded down with things you don't need.  Business cards?  Enter them into your email contacts and toss them.  Batteries?  Store them in a zip lock bag.  Old books you won't read again?  Sell them.  Loose papers?  File them or toss them.  Old files?  Scan them into an electronic file.  Most documents are accepted as an electronic version now anyway so review what you actually need to keep original paper versions of and scan the rest.  If you don't have a scanner at home, there are free phone apps that will do the job just fine.  

You'll feel a million times better being clutter free.  Now that you're more organized you can start the real cleaning!  I like to start from the top down...

4) Dust off the fan blades and blinds.  Dust/vacuum/wash your curtains.  Once the dust settles, dust the rest of the furniture but make sure to dust underneath and behind items like your entertainment center, DVD player, etc. where you normally don't look.  You'll be surprised how much dust is underneath and behind it.  After that wipe down the baseboards.  

5) Change out the air conditioner filters.

6) Next I would suggest taking things out of the cabinets to wipe down the inside of the cabinets...especially the kitchen and pantry.  While the items are pulled out of the cabinets and pantry, toss any expired food items as well as any unmatched Tupperware.  While you're in the kitchen, give your refrigerator a good wipe down too!  

7) Now you can move on to the easier parts like cleaning all of the windows and mirrors in your home.  

8) Wash all of the sheets and towels.

9)  Fill a bag full of vinegar and tie it around your shower nozzle to soak overnight to remove the calcium build up from clogging shower head nozzles.  When you remove it the next day, scrub down your shower tiles and tub, plus sink.  I'd suggest using gloves (always) and getting out an old toothbrush to really clean out the grout.  

10) Last (on my list, but maybe not yours) and certainly not least, vacuum thoroughly.  This means, move the smaller furniture that you can and use the long vacuum nozzle to reach underneath and behind heavier furniture.  We've stirred up a lot of dust by this point and you want to get it all!

The best part about all of this for me is how much easier my cleaning routine has gotten since I originally wrote this post. I do have a beloved cleaning lady that comes every two weeks, but the hubs and I work hard to keep the house tidy in between and we do tackle the larger projects.

Last spring (the dreaded 2020 quarantine lock down), I joined in on my sister’s Norwex spring cleaning challenge and OH-MY-GOODNESS did I love the assignments that were given every day. Many of them are already listed above but many more ideas were included and ALL using the simple Norwex cleaning cloths, water, and some of Norwex’s plant & enzyme based products.

Y’all. I cleaned drawers. I cleaned outdoor windows. I cleaned grout. I cleaned light fixtures (which I never noticed how grimy they were). It was GLORIOUS!

*If you’re interested in converting your home to non-toxic, chemical free products then please reach out to Jessica and she can help point you to the right items you need! 

*If you’re interested in learning multi-purpose tips and tricks for your Norwex, or want to learn more about the company and products Norwex then join her VIP page on Facebook where she shares information daily. I suspect there will be a spring cleaning type of challenge again and I find the VIP page to be so helpful to continue learning what all my Norwex items can do - and I’m constantly learning something new. As a VIP there are a LOT of perks, from seasonal clubs for freebies, to Mystery Host events, to frequent games and challenges for giveaways. If you are ready for her VIP treatment, click here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/theHEALTHYclean

*To shop her small business, click here: https://jessicabrittain.norwex.biz/  And to hear a little more about Norwex or scan the catalogs, shop her site, see what rewards you would get for hosting this month, click here and scroll the list: https://linktr.ee/VIPtheHEALTHYclean  

What are your spring cleaning rituals?  Are there things that you target around the house that would be helpful for the rest of us to work on?  Comment below!  

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.  



For fun: