Dog Birthday Pawty Cake
My oh my, where did the year go?
Side note: we lost the left panel of the mirror one night randomly. The glue decided to call it quits!
It feels like WEEKS ago that I shared the Paleo puppy cake I made for Lorenzo’s 1st birthday last year. Now my baby is TWO years old and we also have two more fur-babies, Loretta & Luigi. I would not have guessed this turn of events last year, but that is the fun of life…am I right? We never know what God has planned for us!
So…Lorenzo’s 2nd birthday crept up on me much like many things this past year. We have been so overwhelmed generally that I have to take each week at a time versus my usual plan in advance. I say this, but also acknowledge that the past month has been the lightest load I have had in two years…so that’s fun. ;)
In the back of my mind, I kept thinking I would have a fun birthday pawty for Lorenzo yet never quite got around the planning it. Last weekend I loaded some fun birthday things to my Amazon cart for Lorenzo, Luigi, and Loretta’s birthdays this year while patting myself on the back for planning ahead! Only to discover on Tuesday evening that I didn’t actually BUY what was in my cart. Tuesday was on my radar for delivery because I know the items said they’d be here by Tuesday, IF I actually made the purchase. =/ So, there’s that. #purchaserequired #duh
Thankfully, I felt certain I could whip up any Paleo cake because I always keep ingredients on hand and sure enough…I got something right. I did rush over to Party City to get some decor but I will be the first to say WHAT WAS I THINKING? Pulling apart / fluffing out those flower ball things are the biggest pain EVER. I was halfway through the task when I gave up. I just can’t. The longer I worked on it, the more the paper tore. I may be a little bit cray to want to throw my dogs/babies birthday parties, but I’m not that cray that I’ll spend hours prepping.
I digress.
Back on track this afternoon after I visited and celebrated one of my bestie’s birthdays, I got to work. I was ever-so-grateful that when I went back to my previous recipe for a Paleo Puppy Cake that it was quick and simple! I whipped it up in five minutes, let the babies lick my fingers clean, and went to work on the paper flower things. 25 minutes later the cake was done and I went back to work on the paper flower things - again. =/
I let the cake cool for a couple of hours before making the “icing” and applying it to the bone shaped cake, and then placed it all back into the refrigerator only because we were waiting for my mom to arrive.
The difference this year versus last year? I used pure peanut butter instead of pure almond butter, and I used two eggs instead of one. The result? The same, if not better. The “cake” is super moist and healthy, depending upon if you want Paleo or not. Regardless there is no added sugar in any of the ingredients. It is completely edible by humans too! Just remember, it’s a cake with zero sweetness. It’s 100% healthy with zero guilt. So, if you decide to taste it before serving it to your fur babies just remember that it will not be sweet…at all and remove any dog treat decorative toppings!
The perk this year versus last year? We have three mouths to feed instead of one! They all three sat licking their chops the entire time I was mixing/baking/checking on/”frosting”/serving the cake. I loved seeing that! And given how easy my recipe is I didn’t mind paws-ing to let them enjoy the licks along the way.
Doggie Birthday Cake: Paleo option (substitute almond butter for peanut butter)
Cake Ingredients
- 1/2 cup almond flour
- 1/2 cup coconut flour
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/8 cup coconut oil
- 1/4 cup raw peanute butter
- 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
- 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
- 2 eggs
Frosting Ingredients
- 1/2 cup coconut milk flesh (chill the can of coconut milk for 24 hours in the refrigerator)
- 1/4 cup raw peanut butter
Preheat the oven to 350* F. Use coconut oil or a coconut oil or avocado oil baking spray to coat the baking dish.
Combine the almond flour, coconut flour, and baking soda together in a mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the wet ingredients: melted coconut oil, peanut or almond butter, unsweetened applesauce, pumpkin puree, and two eggs. Add in the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mixing thoroughly with a hand mixer.
Pour the batter into your baking dish and bake for approximately 20-25 minutes. Use a toothpick to check that the cake is cooked through.
Allow the cake to cool completely before adding the frosting.
While the cake is in the oven, prep the frosting by scooping out the firm coconut milk flesh from the top of the can into a bowl. Add in the raw peanut or almond butter and stir thoroughly and continue to adjust the amounts until you get the right consistency to be able to spread the “frosting”. If you see specs of coconut milk in the frosting do not be alarmed! The coconut milk may need to soften a little bit.
When you’re finished with frosting the cake, decorate as you desire and you can serve it to your doggy so long as it’s cooled all the way through so it won’t hurt their little mouths. The cake should be good stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
The treats on this cake are grain free. ;)
I wish I had videos of Loretta and Luigi trying to get on top of the table during this so that they could have the “cake” and also of them eating the “cake” after we blew out the candles! It makes this mama’s heart so happy. It’s healthy and delicious for them! The hubs, my mom, and I all tasted it and agreed. It’s moist and great for a NON-SWEETENED cake.
Here’s the bone cake pan I used:
I forgot about these from last year’s post, but goodness they’re cute!
I already know the theme I will use for Loretta and Luigi’s birthday’s in June and August this year. =) The hubs made commentary that he worries I will be judged for celebrating my fur-babies. I assured him that a) these are my babies always and fur-ever regardless if we ever have children, and b) I will be the exact same if I have human children one day. If anyone is judgmental on this site then I kindly request you pray over your thoughts. Only Jesus can judge. ;)
Do you make or bake anything for your fur-babies? I’d love to know your pawty style! Let me know in the comments below.
I’m wishing everyone a wonderful day ahead and a blessed rest of the week! AND a Happy Valentine’s Day!!!