Turkey & Bean Chili
Happy Wednesday everyone!
At least I hope you’re all happy…
I know this time in our world is unprecedented to a degree, the Covid-19 virus is threatening our loved ones, and the economy is sliding downwards temporarily (hopefully not spiraling, and hopefully only temporarily). Thus, we may be in for wild ride over the next month and I pray fervently that we can all stay positive that we will rebound after this shut down and get our normalcy back.
Since we’ve been asked to stay home and distance ourselves socially as a society, I’ve been cooking more this past week. I haven’t toyed with any new recipes and am just sticking with my tried and trues, which may or may not venture out of the Paleo realm. But, it’s all delicious and easy! We need that right about now, don’t we?
Well, despite Houston’s spring heat I have been CRAVING chili. Sometimes just a good ol’ bowl of chili hits the spot and literally takes me back to growing up eating Mammaw’s chili. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. I guess I’m eating left over chili for lunch today!
Anyway, I typically have all of the ingredients on hand for it whether I add in all of my own spices or if I use a chili seasoning packet. This time, I used Pioneer’s Gluten Free Chili seasoning. Our local grocery store (HEB) sells this brand and I decided to stock up on a few just to have on hand.
Chili is so easy to make and you can add fun vegetables into it like butternut squash in place of beans or add a can of pureed pumpkin to thicken it up. This time I went old school and used Ranch Style beans.
Let me just admit right now that I can sit down and eat ranch style beans by themselves as a meal and be a very happy lady. Actually, I can eat a can of refried beans, or black beans, or black refried beans and be a very, very happy lady. It’s a real issue.
So on I went to make a mouth-watering pot of chili that we each ate two bowls of - with Fritos and cheese of course. Mind you, I ate mine over salad with only a few Fritos because I do have a conscience that I am not supposed to be eating that way. It’s just hard to beat chili with Fritos.
I digress.
The recipe is below!
Shopping List
- 1 lb organic ground turkey (chicken, or lean beef)
- 1 tbsp EVOO
- 1/2 white onion, diced
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 tsp garlic powder
- 2 tsp onion powder
- 1 cup organic chicken broth
- 1 can 10 oz Rotel
- 1 can 25oz Ranch Style Brand Beans
- 3 tbsp chili powder
- pink Himalayan salt to taste preference
1) Dice up the half of an onion and mince 2 cloves of garlic. Begin heating a soup pot over medium heat with the olive oil and add in the diced onions for about 5 minutes, then add the garlic and 1 lb of ground turkey, garlic powder, onion powder, the Pioneer Gluten Free Chili seasoning packet, and salt (if desired). Cook the turkey until completely cooked with no pink visible.
2) Add in: 3 tbsp chili powder, 1 cup organic chicken broth, 1 can Rotel, and 1 can 25oz Ranch Style Brand beans.
3) Let the chili simmer on the stove top for about 20-30 minutes to allow the flavors to really meld together, then serve!
This makes about 4-6 servings depending upon bowl size and if you’re eating it with chips then it will last longer!
Turkey & Bean Chili
For other types of chili recipes that I’ve shared before click here!
Have you tried any new recipes soon or have any old favorites to share? Since we’ll be cooking at home more I’d love to hear about it!
I hope you enjoy this recipe. Please share with someone and don't forget to subscribe below so you don't miss out on any future posts! I pray you stay and healthy, too!