What's Up Wednesday: December 2020
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We made it to the end of the year.
I cannot believe that we will say farewell to 2020 tomorrow evening, but at the same time I am ready for this year to be over. I am never ready for the holidays to be over, but this year is long overdue.
I am linking up to share my monthly recap of December
What we're eating this week:
I have no idea!!! We have been all over the place between showing our house, inspectors, and appraisers, plus us viewing homes and the holidays and on and on and on. I haven’t had a normal appetite since November but I am starting to feel hunger again so that’s a plus - even though food sounds awful. Funny what emotions can do to the body, right?
If we cook it will likely be easy meals with what we already have in the pantry. I regretfully do not have any grand suggestions, but I would love to direct you to the “RECIPES” tab at the top of the blog page where you can look at recipes based on different dietary needs. Most of my recipes are not difficult so definitely find some great things there! I loved all of my Paleo and Whole 30 recipes and I hope you do too!
This recipe has had thousands of hits on the blog and on Pinterest each month since I first shared it in 2017. CRAZY! I consistently receive great feedback on it so if you haven’t made it yet, maybe now’s the time! But, I do have a lot of excellent recipes in addition to this. ;)
Spinach & Artichoke Chicken
Paleo & Whole 30
What I'm reminiscing about:
All the things.
Christmases passed / Christmas in the past. I have had many lifetimes it feels like and my memories will jog me through them umpteen times this month. Do you ever wish you could bundle everything up together and enjoy them again?
I know it’s too late to make this this month but save/Pin this post about creating your own FUN advent for Christmas next year!
If you need some quick ideas for New Year’s in with your littles then take a look at this post I shared on how to have a New Year’s Countdown for Kids.
What I'm loving:
Aside from Christmas this month, my favorite things have been:
These hangers…silly but as we’ve now switched out the hub’s side of the closet I couldn’t be happier for the synergy, congruency, and tidiness of our closet.
I’m also loving the quality time with my babes. Between Covid-19 and quarantining this year + working from home I have been home more than ever. My little pups make me laugh and smile hundreds of times a day and I cannot count my blessings more for them. They wake me up with a smile and they snuggle me to bed with a smile. =}
What we've been up to:
Selling our house and looking to buy a house.
The holidays and all things Christmas.
Processing life.
A wedding and wedding related activities.
Trying to fit in fitness, but this past month is a wash and I am OK with that. I know the reasons why I haven’t been able to physically partake and I know it is temporary.
Drinking all the wine.
What I'm dreading:
The fact that 12:01am January 1st 2021 will not magically change everything despite our hopes that it would.
What I'm working on:
I never would have thought I’d struggle to answer this question, but this month+ has taken more from me than I can give back so I can only say I am working hard to just keep up with life if even that. BLAH. That sounds so negative and I do not like being a negative person. I am SO blessed and I know it. I just haven’t been able to focus on most things since the passing of a loved one, since we listed our home for sale and ALL of the chaos that entails/ensues, and the holidays.
GOALS for January: survive the continued “moving” process, blog or take a leave of absence, reassess life priorities as we launch into the next year, and darn it - take pictures of outfits when I wear them and not before/after the fact. I always forget to take photos when we go somewhere and I would much rather do that than set aside time to take photos on a random day. But, such is the blogging world right? {{PSST: have you ever wondered what a blog would be like without photos??? I have…a lot. Just words, descriptive words.}}
What I'm excited about:
Planning or helping to plan a friend’s baby shower.
Using my new 2021 planner (yes, I’m excited about that).
Hopefully seeing my family, safely, this year.
What I'm watching/reading:
Watching: I have had Hallmark Christmas on or Christmas movies nonstop this month, if I’ve had the TV on at all.
Reading: I started this book called Autumn for when I’m on the treadmill in October. I never got around to finishing it because LIFE, but I will!
What I'm listening to:
This month has been IHeartRadio Christmas music! 🎅
What I'm wearing:
These are a sample of what I’ve shared over the past couple of months. Click on any picture and you’ll be taken to a page with every item listed (exactly or a close similar).
To see all of the looks I’ve posted the check out my page on LiketoKnow.It or click on “shop my looks” at the top of the page. Always frugal, always affordable, always on point. (Unless you see me while I work from home and I look like a vagabond, but I digress…) 😋
If you have any questions about anything else you see, you can either search the blog site using the search feature at the top right of the screen OR look at it on LiketoKnow.It OR email me. =)
What I'm doing this weekend:
We do not have anything planned, thankfully, so we will work around the house to start packing up some stuff we do not use often and figure out if there are things to get rid of. We have a lot of boxes to use from all of the Christmas presents ordered online so I’m anxious to pack them up. I don’t really care where the filled boxes sit so long as they’re no longer empty and in our garage!
What I'm looking forward to next month:
What day is it?
January is the beginning of all things new, right? We have a lot of birthdays to celebrate in January between family & friends. We have a lot of decisions to make for our potential/impending move. We have a lot of re-aligning and getting on track.
So perhaps that’s what I’m looking forward to. Getting back on track. 🙃
What else is new:
That’s it for now!
How have you been these past couple of months? Did you enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas with your families or did you have to quarantine? What are you plans for New Years?? Comment below! I am very curious what everyone will be doing for New Year’s Eve this year and what you’re looking forward to in 2021.
Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!