Welcome December

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Wow. November is a blur. My favorite months tend to pass quickly, but the last week has been a complete daze. We were inundated with business around the house, work, some fun events we attended, Thanksgiving, and some really upsetting news that has knocked me off of my rocker and I am just trying to keep up with all of these posts I wrote that I scheduled to share this month.

But, here we are…DECEMBER is upon us and we are in full fledge HOLIDAY mode!

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This is 110% me right here. It’s great for a laugh.

I’ve honestly been waiting for this time of year since December 26th, 2019. Soooo, WELCOME DECEMBER and all of the merrymaking that comes with it!

This month I will more than likely focus on all things holiday, but you never know what else may get pushed to the front of my brain and heart to be shared. This time of year is just so fun and light hearted and we all NEED that after the year 2020 has been, right?

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I’ve been sharing some gift guides already as well as holiday outfit ideas. ;) Is there anything specific you’re interested in me posting for the holidays?

PS you can find anything related to the holidays under the tab at the top of the page labeled “Holidays”. I’m trying to make my site easier to use. Of course, you can always use the search feature at the top right side of the page to look up any key word on your mind.

So, in the spirit of light heartedness and merriment…

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Mine is O’ Holy Night - most versions make me emotional. We are so fortunate to have a God who loves us enough to give us His only begotten son who was born on Christmas day. I can honestly say that it wasn’t until I was seeking my faith in adulthood that it truly hit home to me what that means and I become an emotional wreck about it - but I wouldn’t have it ANY other way. I’m OK with crying about the beauty of Christ and everything He did for us.

I’m an equal opportunist with 99% of the rest of Christmas songs, it’s hard to go wrong! Comment below to let us know what yours is!

**If you missed these last month!**

Print the Christmas shopping list here and pin the below image to Pinterest!

Christmas Shopping List pinnable.png

Print the “Dear Santa” letter here and pin the image below to Pinterest!

Christmas Wish List pinnable.png

Print the Christmas dinner shopping list here. Pin the image below to Pinterest!

christmas dinner 1.png

Print the Christmas This or That here and pin the image below!

Christmas This or That pinnable.png

Are you excited about anything specific this month? What are you looking forward to the most?

‘Tis the season,


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