What's Up Wednesday: August 2018

Goodbye, August.  It is not without pure joy that I bid you adieu.  While we have a long road ahead of us in Houston before we have cooler temperatures, I can always tell a shift has begun this time of year as we hone in on the last quarter of the year.  My favorite months and holidays are ahead of us.  My favorite weather and temperatures are ahead of us.  My favorite style of clothing is ahead of us.  I simply cannot wait!

I have been off the grid these past couple of months, and I'm not going to lie.  It felt GREAT.  I didn't think about the blog posts I needed or wanted to write, nor the list of to-do's for the blog, nor what photos to post on social media for the blog.  I have discovered that those time consuming tasks are also stressful and for what?  I started this blog to help others, to get the thoughts and ideas out of my head, and to see if it was something I wanted to do and maintain while learning about marketing it and potentially growing it into a "business" of sorts one day.  Well, I haven't had the time for much of anything blog related since I left the workforce, haven't even looked at the marketing course I need to complete that I started in 2016, and certainly haven't touched one of the to-do list items waiting for me.

What does this mean?  I am not sure yet.  September will be my two year blogging anniversary and I am so proud that I hung on that long and wrote as much as I did.  A whole heck of a lot happened to me during those two years and I cannot believe I managed to write on here three times a week (typically).  It was helpful and cathartic at times.  It was stressful and unrewarding at times.  It was insightful and a learning experience.  So for now, I will keep my blog alive and well but continue to float along and only post periodically to keep the stress at bay.  The rest of the year is jam packed with six more trips, two more weddings (out of seven total this year), and many other galas, dinners, and holidays.  What a blessed year 2018 has been!

Now on to the point of this, I am linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share my monthly recap.  


What we're eating this week:

I have finally printed out a dinner calendar and began planning for the next couple of weeks.  Now that I can stand longer and walk better, I can begin to cook a little more.  I will still be keeping meals to ones I can prep quickly or in pieces throughout the day so there won't be any new recipe attempts this week.

Monday - left over Cajun chicken and shrimp with riced cauliflower

Tuesday - tacos

Wednesday - Paleo meatballs with zoodles

Thursday - baked white fish (thinking cod) with Brussels Sprouts and roasted potatoes

Friday - not sure, but thinking this is a date night

Saturday - Mexican food night out *I'm going to try to limit us to eating out for Mexican food once a week instead of upwards of five times a week!  #wehaveanaddiction

Sunday - steak and baked sweet potatoes

Yes, I do actually search my own site for recipes that I've shared before!  

What I'm reminiscing about:

Lots of fun trips in past Augusts: New Braunfels, Austin, Miami, Boulder & Vail are just some that come to mind.

Lots of sad memories in past Augusts: Mammaw moved to Tennessee and my parents shortly thereafter, I sprained my ankle so bad one year it took 9 weeks to heal, and Hurricane Harvey devastated our city last year.

Lots of wonderful memories in Miami when my identical twin nieces were born and I spent 18 days out there with my two older nieces who were then two and one years old when the twins were born.  They're all 5, 4, and 3 years old now.  Where did the time go??

What I'm loving:

These Harvest Pumpkin Wreath salad plates from Williams Sonoma!  I ordered them to pair with a white dinner plate, a white ceramic pumpkin soup bowl, and a burnt orange table runner for ALL THINGS FALL!  It's perfect to use from late September through Thanksgiving if you ask me.

And that, I shall do.

What we've been up to:

July and August have been a blur of many things.  I spent the first week of July in Knoxville visiting my family and celebrating my Mammaw's 93rd birthday.  Once I returned back I dove right into a slew of things: catch up appointments, doctor appointments, a wedding celebration, caring for a sick loved one, and then had a planed foot surgery.  Naturally everything halted then as I had to rest and keep it elevated.  Little milestones are to be celebrated around here like when I went up the stairs for the first time, when I put on a shoe for the first time, when I could wash my foot for the first time, when I could sleep without an ice pack for the first time, etc. etc. etc.  Recovery is projected at six months and I'm one month in... I think I'm making pretty good strides in progress though so am prayerful for a quicker recovery so I can get back into my old routines and be able to run again when the weather cools off. 

I've managed to run some errands now, drive short distances, attend a bridal brunch and some dinners, and of course take care of Lorenzo.

What I'm dreading:

I don't believe in dreading anything, but this week is a major week for our little bunny puppy.  He went to the groomer for the first time on Monday and will be getting neutered this morning.  =/  UGH.  This mama is so nervous and emotional about him being in surgery!  I'm anxiously awaiting the call to go pick him up.

What I'm working on:

My health and walking (bending my toe). My life.  My marriage.  Growing my faith.  And eventually, hope to work on the blog in time.  Pretty much the same as last month!

What I'm excited about:

All of the fun trips coming up this fall and getting to decorate for fall in a few weeks!

What I'm watching/reading:

Watching: Bachelor in Paradise (it is a crazy season, y'all!), Outdaughtered and Rattled (both on TLC) have been interesting and I'm recording them on DVR.

Reading: I haven't read near as much as I would have liked this month, but I did finish the new Emily Giffin book All We Ever Wanted.  I just love Emily Giffin's books.  They're always interesting and easy reads, plus have some form of a love story tied in.  This one's topic actually surprised me and kept me hooked.  I finished it in two days!  Of course, it helped that I was truly unable to be up on my feet more than five minutes at a time. ;)

What I'm listening to:

My Spotify playlists here and there, Coldplay's Ghost Stories, and Hillsong United as usual!  Since I'm not running nor driving very much either, I do not have the opportunity to listen to as much music as I normally would.

I still listen to my usual podcasts when I can: Hope City, Joyce Meyer, Marriage Today, Breakaway (on summer break right now), and Bayou City Fellowship.

What I'm wearing:

These have legit still been my regular go to's all summer long.  One, I needed shorts or dresses for the contraption around my foot.  Two, it's hot as heck out there!  Three, I am aiming to be comfortable while having to sit around more.  Of course, leggings and pj's are on repeat too.

BCBGeneration shorts // BCBGeneration tank in rose and black

What I'm doing this weekend:

I am thrilled to report that we do not yet have anything planned and that excites me!  We've been working on home projects and updates this past month which has been exciting to see the progress and continue to knock out more items we want to do around here.

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Traveling for the first time after surgery and hoping I can walk around OK, another bridal shower, and family birthdays to celebrate!  Oh, and as mentioned above...decorating for FALL!

What else is new:

I think I've summed things up for now!

How was your August and summer overall?  What were your highlights?  Are you excited for Fall too???

Wishing you all a wonderful rest of the week ahead and a fantastic Labor Day weekend!

