What's Up Wednesday: January 2018

How did this happen?  January is OVER.  I mean, I'm pretty happy about that and what February will bring us but it went by fast.  So fast that I didn't think I'd write this post actually!  But, here it is.  I'm determined to fit this post in to my schedule.

I'm linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to share what I've been up to this past month.  You can read my previous What's Up Wednesday posts here.  And if you're not familiar with either of those two bloggers, then I suggest you check them out.  


What I'm eating this week:

I don't know!  Can you believe that?  I am in the middle of moving so I have next to nothing at my place at the moment.  Literally.  Plastic utensils are my M.O.  Once fresh, but now chopped and frozen veggies are my go-to dinners if I must eat at home.  Oh, and wine.  

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I am super excited to be able to start cooking for the FH soon though.  I have an endless line up of recipes I want to try as well as my favorites I've prepared before that you can find recipes for here: Paleo, Whole 30, breads (Paleo & Whole 30), desserts, and a few vegan recipes.

What I'm reminiscing about:

Past Februaries and an incredible trip with my bestie Karen to London, Ireland, and Scotland.  I just went through photos to share a couple from the trip and ten minutes later I decided I can't pick favorites.  They're all so good and/or so funny!  We had the best time, great laughs until we cried, delicious food, and wonderful memories.  Also a lot of jelly beans...don't ask. 

Gosh, I wish I could do it all over again.  We toured around London and Bath and Stonehenge.  In Ireland we toured Dublin, Cliffs of Moher and everything in between it and Dublin, then toured up to Northern Ireland to see Giants Causeway and more.  In Scotland we toured around Edinburgh. 

My mouth is watering thinking of the food in Ireland.  Why was it SO delicious?  Well, probably because of the Kerry Gold butter.  But, the stews and meats and even Guinness beer were soooo good.  And I don't normally go for dark beer. It truly tastes different over there.  #givemeallthekerrygoldplease

I happened to have this photo on my computer at work so you do get one photo from that trip!

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What I'm loving:

The last days of this gorgeous sunset view from my apartment.  All five photos below are from different days in January.  We've had some gorgeous evenings.  Can you imagine what the sunrises must have looked like when God allows the sun to peek over the horizon casting shades of pink and orange to start our days? 

Pretty soon I will not have a view like this unless I stay late at the office nor will I have easy access to my stunning sunrise runs on the weekend.  But, it's time to close this chapter and begin the next one and I couldn't be more excited about that!

What I've been up to:

Life.  Wedding planning.  Working, working, working.  Moving.  Visiting friends and family.  Celebrating friends and family.  

What I'm dreading:

Nothing!  Wipe that word right out of the dictionary, please.

What I'm working on:

Myself.  My blog.  My relationship.  My direction.  My calling.  My faith and passion for Christ.  My wedding plans.  

What I'm excited about:

February!  February will be a blessed month, God willing.  I'm also excited to start a new book as I just finished one that was SOOOOOOOO good (see below) and to start cooking more for the FH.

What I'm watching/reading:

Watching: Truth be told I still don't really sit down to watch TV, however in January I spent quite a few days in bed with the flu and at home when Houston iced over from sleet and below freezing temperatures (which I loved, I might add).  While sitting around working from home or literally sick and vegging out I watched: Say Yes to the Dress and Four Weddings (naturally), Billion Dollar Buyer (so interesting!), and Ellen's Game of Games (hysterical).  I guess I need to record those so I don't miss them because I don't know when they come on, I just happened to catch them.  I AM recording and watching the Bachelor (shamefully). 

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I didn't think I would watch The Bachelor this season because they should have gotten PETER to be the next bachelor, but I am hooked already.  The girls this season are a train wreck in my opinion and it's just so darn amusing.  Plus, Sheaffer writes the funniest recaps that I enjoy reading which keeps me loving the show.

Reading: I just finished Kisses from Katie.  Y'all.  Do yourselves a favor and read this book.  Do your friends and family a favor and buy this book for them.  It's a true story about a girl that feels called to move to Uganda and help children in need, ends up adopting 14 children, teaching and fostering and providing for hundreds more through a non-profit she started.  Oh, and all of this started unfolding when she was 18.  Every chapter is a short read but so well written about what she's experienced there (trialing encounters, poverty, sickness, etc) and how she sees the glory of Christ and His love throughout every situation.  It is inspiring to say the least but also easily relatable to our every day lives in how we're MISSING these moments of His presence all around us.  My heart.  I loved it.  Thank you, Konni for this wonderful birthday gift.

These are a couple of random pages I snapped a photo of recently to send to friends.

What I'm listening to:

Well, I finally turned off my Christmas music to be considerate of the person sitting next to me at work so I am currently listening to my old Coldplay Pandora station that cycles through a pretty refined list of music I've given the thumbs up to in years past including: Coldplay, Dave Matthews Band, Incubus, Adele, Matchbox 20, etc.

I continue to listen to the following podcasts every morning: Joyce Meyer, Marriage Today, Hope City, Bayou City Fellowship, and Breakaway Ministries (when in session).  

On my drives to work I tune in to KSBJ and PowerPoint radio (sermons - SO GOOD!).

On my longer drives I still jam out, worship and praise, and siiinnnngggg my heart out to Hillsong United most days, but also my work out playlist with Lord Huron, Coldplay, etc.  

What I'm wearing:

Ladies.  Let's discuss.  My mind is drawing a blank because I'm in transition with my move, it's been super cold and then warm in Houston, I've been focused on NOT buying much for me but rather things for the wedding...so what have I been wearing?  I don't even know! 

I do know the below boots are a new LOVE of mine that I just ordered a second pair in taupe.  My black boots went kaput in a major way and while I didn't want to say goodbye, my fashion sense and work standards simply said we must part ways and fast.  I wore them out.  So I ordered these because I wanted new Steve Maddens to replace my dying ones.  This brand never steers me wrong.  I took them out of the box and wore them to work and my feet felt amazing.  True to size and comfortable.

I really want to add these UGG McKay boots to my closet but am waiting to see if I can fight the urge.  I need to replace my original BearPaw boots both in black and brown as I've worn out the heels and I notice my heels hurt from lack of sole comfort.  Then I stumbled upon these and must.fight.the.urge. because I simply struggle to spend money on UGG's when other brands are much less expensive.  #bargainshoppertriedandtrue

These McKay boots come in black and chestnut and I need, I mean want, them both.  It's hard to tell how cute they are unless you look at them on.

What I'm doing this weekend:

We're heading to a gala this weekend which will be super fun!  Otherwise probably dinner or lunch with families, church & bible study, pretend to watch part of the Super Bowl (gasp! I know...) and pack up some final items around the apartment. =)

What I'm looking forward to next month:

We have two galas to attend, a wine night with my girlfriends at my new abode, a friend's baby is due to be born, and another friend's bridal shower to celebrate.  Plus President's Day because I am off from work!  Also two of my besties come to town this month so I am excited to see them! 

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What else is new:

I think that has summed it all up until next time...

How has your month of January been?  Did it fly by as well for you?  I'd love to hear a bit about your month too.  Feel free to comment below!

Here's a fun Valentine's countdown idea you can set up for your loved one or children!  

