Getting to Know Me - Christmas Edition!
I am in full on Christmas spirit mode and if you know me at all, then you know it is Christmas overload. I am currently sitting in my Christmas pj's, listening to my Christmas station on Pandora (think Rat Pack style classics), have the Hallmark Channel Christmas movies on the TV (muted), the lights are off, the Christmas lights are on, and my pine scented candles are lit. Oh, and I'm drinking Veuve...because why not? ;)
I wouldn't have my over abundance of cheer any other way. Given that spirit, I have been thrilled to several bloggers I follow along with post some Christmas questionnaires and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE READING THEM! It's so interesting to learn about others, but especially to see how different we all can be in how we celebrate and our preferences. So...I had to jump in. I located a different one online to share about myself and just may share more later with the one they used too. So fun! Here it goes:
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper with pretty bows if the gift is in a box but bags if it's an odd shaped item or if I'm gifting multiple items.
2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial. I love real trees with a passion, but I like to decorate early and keep it up through New Years so a real one would be a chore with my less than green thumb!
3. When do you put up the tree? The weekend that follows my birthday (Nov. 16th) as a birthday celebration to myself. Christmas music, Veuve, a fireplace or Christmas vacation, and alone time to get into the zone...
4. When do you take the tree down? I usually take the ornaments off between Christmas and New Years (usually**), and keep the tree with the lights on through New Years.
5. Do you like eggnog? Not particularly. I am honestly grossed out my store bought eggnog (corn syrup, artificial everything), but have made home made eggnog many times for my family and have tasted it. It's just OK to me but they've loved my eggnog...especially when it's spiked. ;)
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I wish I could distinguish my memories on if it was Christmas or a birthday but probably my light blue bike that had white wheels and a white seat. =) I thought it was so pretty. Dolls and Barbies were always a win too.
7. Do you have a Nativity scene? I cannot believe that I actually do not have a Nativity Scene. I need/want one.
8. Hardest person to buy for? Probably my dad. =| He's never wanted store bought things from us but thankfully is a very happy recipient of homemade gifts and treats.
9. Easiest person to buy for? Everyone else!
10. Worst Christmas Gift you ever received? Is there ever a bad gift?
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail them, for sure.
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Christmas Vacation
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Probably late summer when the birthday gifts are dwindling down. I buy along the way as I see something that makes me think of the person and if it's on sale, and then put it in my gift bin with the list of who it's for.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I can't think of one?? But, it may have happened with something obscure that I wouldn't use perhaps? Drawing a blank there.
15. Favorite things to eat at Christmas? Any Christmas candy that I put out in Christmas candy dishes. I don't partake much throughout the year, but once they're sitting there in red, green, and white I tend to pick up a few! Otherwise this tends be when I remember Mammaw making pizzelles and "fringe" (think Italian doughnut) and we always loved it. I made some pizzelles this past weekend actually!
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? I'm a definite clear lights kinda gal. But, I have a lot of color on my tree with so many varying ornaments that adding colored lights would not look good.
17. Favorite Christmas song? O' Holy Night is my absolute favorite and it doesn’t matter who sings it I still get teary eyed almost every time.
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? I am newly a mix of travel and home now that some family live in another state. We're on a rotating schedule so this Christmas will be in Houston, but I am headed to Tennessee soon to see my family there and CANNOT WAIT!
19. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? I just had to sing the song, but I do know their names. #impressedmyself
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Neither. I'm oddly not a huge fan of them because either can be bulky and not flow with the tree. Maybe one day I'll have one.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning! But, if I ever have kids we might let them open one on Christmas Eve or open all gifts from us on Christmas Eve and then Christmas morning will just be Santa. TBD...
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Traffic, greed, materialism.
23. What is the “silliest” family tradition you do, or miss doing? When we were little, my dad video taped everything on every occasion which is SO wonderful in hind sight because we have our memories of childhood on video. So, for Christmas he would make us stand behind the hallway door and come out (dressed up) one by one to say our names, our ages, and what grade we were in before we could locate our gifts and then sit (not so) patiently while waiting for the other two to come out. Talk about torture. We weren't allowed to run out in our pj's to open gifts. We had to get dressed, wait on my parents to get ready, and couldn't even peek into the living room until my dad was in there ready to video us. =} I'll do the same to my kids!!
24. Ugliest Christmas Decoration ever invented? Probably tinsel on the tree itself. It never did look all that pretty but sure did use it anyway when we were growing up.
25. Which looks best, theme trees or homey trees? I love both and one day will probably have some themed trees because I have full anticipation of having multiple trees in my home. Wait, I currently have two Christmas trees in this apartment. So, yes, there will be some themed trees.
26. Gingerbread or sugar cookies? Can I take half and half? I'm not a huge fan of either, but if nothing else is available I'd eat them. Chocolate chip is truly the only way to go, let's be honest.
27. Do you like Fruitcake? I'm not confident that I've ever actually tried a piece!
I'm finally learning/toying with the Instragram stories on my IG page. Sorta fun, I have to admit!
What are some of the fun things you like about Christmas and how do you celebrate? I'd love to see your responses to some (or all!) of these questions below. Merry everything y'all.