Serving Others - Show & Tell Tuesdays

I'm linking up with Andrea to share a Show & Tell Tuesday Topic about serving others.  I decided to jump in on this one because it comes up at a great time of the year.  With Thanksgiving coming up and Christmas next month, this is the perfect time to serve others.  Grant it, all year long is more perfect!  But, with our thoughts on being thankful this month and in a effort to spread kindness and good deeds next month leading up to Christmas we can definitely begin thinking of ways to serve others.

November 13th was National Kindness Day and November 15th is National Philanthropy Day.  Sort of convenient timing for this post to be wedged in between! 

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Some things that we can do to serve others includes:

-Holding the door open for others

-Giving up my seat to the elderly or mothers with children

-Greeting people in passing to say hello or compliment them

-Make monetary donations to worthy causes to help others

-Donate clothes and other items to those in need

-Purchase warm clothes and blankets for the homeless in the winter (your church may have a clothing drive for this or you can take it directly to a shelter)

-Serve at the food kitchen or homeless ministries

-Hand out flowers or poinsettias to nursing homes

-Write letters to the military and send care packages

-Donate toys to churches, shelters, and Toys for Tots

-Shift your self focus to others if you feel the itch to purchase something for yourself

-Lend a hand in yard work to someone who's struggling to maintain their yard

-Bake treats for nursing homes & church

-Bake treats for police stations, fire stations, your office building security guards (these people keep us safe too!)

-Remember your children's teachers at the holidays...they work hard and do not get paid enough for the hard work they do. Their influence is priceless on your children.

-Offer to clean your elderly family member's homes 

-Serve at church or join a mission trip or reach out to local rescue groups to see how you can participate in their efforts

-Invite others over for a home cooked meal, or take a home cooked meal to a family in need

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There are ample other ways you can serve others and work good deeds into your holiday plans.  What are some ways you serve others?  Share your ideas below! birthday is in two days and my siblings, their spouses, and my four beautiful & brilliant nieces are in town this week so I will spend the next few days focused on my family and celebrating with the munchkins.  See you all back here soon!

