What's Up Wednesday: September 2016

Here's something new I'm kicking off today that I've seen on some other fun blog sites I follow.  I will post answers to What's Up Wednesday on the last Wednesday of every month.  I thought this would be neat to give a little insight into what's happening with me once a month, aside from the items I may want to write about on regular blog posts.  I'm linking up with Sheaffer, Shay, and Mel who originated the idea! 

*Note this first post today will be emailed out in tomorrow morning's Newsletter so this month you will receive it late.  Sorry!  Next month, I will be prepared...*

What I'm eating this week:

This is technically my final week of Whole 30 so I am sticking to my guns to finish strong.  I say that with the full disclosure that I didn't actually abide by the rules completely and did not cut out alcohol.  So perhaps I didn't truly complete Whole 30, but my body and cravings sure went through all of the symptoms regardless.  That's with my general diet being rather healthy...or so I thought.  Anyway - this week I made myself this meal below: cauliflower Alfredo sauce with spaghetti squash, topped with Italian seasoned organic ground turkey, with roasted bell peppers and roasted balsamic vinegar butternut squash.  I'll post recipes on this dish at a later time.  In the mean time, you can check out my Paleo Meatball & Spaghetti Squash dinner here.


What I'm reminiscing about...

My trip to New York last fall has been on my mind.  I had a blast visiting with my sister and her husband doing anything and nothing around the city with no agenda. It was the last week leading up to me returning to work after my couple of months off while switching firms with my boss.  I cannot wrap my head around how fast 2016 has flown by.  They'll be moving soon and I'll miss visiting them in NYC, but I am looking forward to seeing them in their new hometown. 

A "pumpkin patch" right in the heart of the city at Dwayne Reed.


What I'm loving...

OMGosh!  I am loving this book my dear friend, Elizabeth, gave me for my baptism last month.  I am in awe with every chapter that I read and struggle to only read one chapter a day.  I yearn to keep going but the book instructs you to stop after every chapter to reflect on each topic discussed.  I totally recommend it!


What I've been up to...

September has been busy month between a quick trip to Timpson, TX to visit my BF and godchildren, a bridal shower, dinners out, early morning gym classes, and sprinkled in with visits to help my parents prepare to move.  I've had some seriously long days and not enough rest.  We all have months like these.  The biggest news is this blog itself!  I just jumped on board to create it last week and am thrilled to have "launched" it.  It will take a while to build and I'm continuing to learn how to even use the site.  The challenge has been fun though. 


What I'm dreading...

Truthfully I cannot think of anything.  I think dreading something is a terrible waste of energy.  It presets your mind to feel negatively about whatever it is you're dreading so that by the time it occurs you're already in a bad mood about it!  If you try to find a positive about the thing you're dreading, you can shift your mind and attitude to actually enjoy it.  Seems like a better option to me.


What I'm working on...

Myself.  My life.  My relationships.  My work/job.  My blog - currently this post and another post about a fall craft DIY item... =))))


What I'm watching/reading...

I rarely get a chance to turn on my TV, much less watch a specific show.  How boring!!! Right?  I don't think so personally.  It just means I fill my time doing other things.  Lately, that has been reading the bible and just started the book of Timothy, reading The Battle Plan for Prayer mentioned above, finished the book Anything mentioned on another page of mine, and started Joyce Meyer's book Living Beyond Your Feelings.  I do read fiction as well occasionally and am currently reading on Kindle Emily Giffin's book First Comes Love.  How do I fit in reading multiple books at once?  The bible I read 2-3 chapters a day.  The Battle Plan for Prayer I read one chapter a day.  Living Beyond Your Feelings I will read primarily at lunch time in the office kitchen.  And I only read on my iPad Kindle app when I'm on the treadmill.  There are days I don't read at all of course.  Sometimes my eyes are tired and my brain feels like mush.


What I'm listening to...

I'm hooked on Lord Huron and Hillsong United.  These two bands have kept my ears at full attention for the last two years. 


What I'm wearing...

Ok, so truth be told I feel ridiculous taking photos of my outfits in front of mirrors.  As most of my close friends know I am awkward in front of the camera as it is much less to pose to display an outfit.  That being said, I'm going to have to take a huge gulp of humility and start taking some pictures I think.  So, please bare with me!

Last weekend at Target I discovered Denizen by Levi's jeans in a skinny leg/stretch fit.  They were on sale buy one get one half off.  I was shopping for retail therapy purposes so my cart was full of other clothing items too.  I NEVER try on clothes at any store.  I hate it with a passion.  But, this time I moseyed over to the dressing room to try them on.  I had too many items to risk purchasing them all.  Thankfully most everything went back to their respective racks.  These jeans though!  I love them!  I have struggled in finding a pair of jeans that fit well, aren't too low cut, and have the skinny leg but actually fit my athletic calves comfortably.  I've tried numerous brands and numerous price points reaching so high I wanted to gag, yet none fit well.  These are excellent for me.  Oh-happy-day-that-was.  I bought two shades of the jeans and wanted to run out of the store tightly clutching my prized possessions...after I spent another 30 minutes shopping for necessities.

Below is a picture of my outfit for dinner last night.  I'm wearing the Denizen by Levi's jeans.  The strapless peplum top was purchased 4 years ago from...drum roll...Abercrombie!  Yes, I sometimes still squeeze myself into their clothes.  It's rare, but I have a few gems from years past.  My nude pumps are from Nine West.  I love myself some Nine West shoes.  I buy them on sale, and they're always comfortable for me!  Plus, because I am clumsy and scuff up my shoes almost immediately I don't have to worry much about that sickly feeling I've gotten in the pit of my stomach when I quickly ruined expensive shoes.  (#lessonlearnedthehardway) Lastly, my clutch is the Bella Boa clutch from Elaine Turner which is currently on sale (but you can find less expensive alternatives for sure!)

You can shop some of this or similar items using the link below or click on the small image below it. =)   http://www.shopstyle.com/collective/everypiecefits/42458350

The picture is hard to see the jeans themselves, but you get the idea of the fit.


What I'm doing this weekend...

Road trip!  I'm heading out of town this weekend with my brother, my sister-in-law, and my four ridiculously beautiful and brilliant nieces who are 3 years old, 2 years old, and 1 year old twins.  I am stoked to get to spend time with them all, have plenty of time to chat and catch up on the road, as well as sneak in as many kisses as possible.  I'm only joining a portion of their cross country trip from Miami to CA, and I will ride from Texas through New Mexico to Arizona where I will fly back from on Sunday.  A little nutty of 48 hour trip, but I had to jump on the opportunity to spend time with them.


What I'm looking forward to next month...

For the month of October I'm looking forward to cooler weather (I hope!), visiting my family out of state, spending quality time with the loved one even though our Montana trip had to be postponed, and hopefully some true down time.  My body and brain are begging for a break.


What else is new...

I think I've summarized a lot for this month already and clearly my blog is brand new.  Stay tuned for more posts to come and I appreciate your patience while I continue to learn and adjust to this new adventure.

