A Cozy Night In Gift Set - Giveaway

Merry Christmas!

Today I am launching my first ever raffle drawing for Every Piece Fits.  This is something I've been reading about that will help me to spread the word about my blog.  Admittedly this all feels pretty awkward to me, but I know I need to branch out of my shell little my little.

I have set up a quick little raffle drawing that will award you points for completing each assigned task.  The purpose is to engage with you (my readers) and encourage you to share my blog with your family and friends.  Things like this take a long time to grow and it takes a lot of time to share my life and thoughts.  While I am loving it, my purpose is to serve others in some form whether you mainly love my recipes, my DIY crafts, my marriage and relationship knowledge, or even the simple bargain, fashion finds I come up with.  =)

The Gift Set:

  • "Cheers" stemless wine glasses
  • Christmas Vacation dvd (because it's my favorite!)
  • the coziest, softest knee high socks
  • a milk chocolate bar for "holiday stress"
  • Lindt's Lindor milk chocolate truffles
  • Ghirardelli peppermint chocolate squares
  • Burt's Bees peppermint lip balm
  • Orly red nail polish

Enter in to the drawing below.  The raffle ends at 1am on Sunday, December 11th.  Hopefully this will give you plenty of time to enter and share the giveaway with your family & friends, as well as give me time to figure out who won sometime on Sunday.  The gift set will be mailed to the winner promptly on Monday, December 12th.

Good luck!


12/8/16 Update* I cannot seem to get the two entry items about pinning images to work.  (New user error!)  If you pin the two previous posts about Paleo Pumpkin Turkey Chili and The Perfect Holiday Party Dresses (or any other posts really) you can select that you've completed that task.  Sorry for the hassle!